The Difference Maker

Active Options Investing was launched to ultimately provide investors with a “one-stop shop” that delivers exactly what is needed to consistently and intelligently succeed in the stock and options markets.  The truth is that there is a BETTER way, in fact, a MUCH BETTER WAY to intelligently invest than most folks realize.  Fortunately, many have become aware to this reality and have taken the proper steps to actively and intelligently participate in the markets.  We know this to be the case because we’ve helped thousands of investors via online education and training for nearly a decade.  AND, prior to that, we educated new (“green”) recruits at a professional level (both on-floor and desk-based).  Most if not all went on to consistently succeed where they’d previously failed in active trading.
What was/is the DIFFERENCE MAKER?
Being highly-motivated, making a proper education your priority and persistence are all certainly necessary to reach the goal of consistently profitable active investing.  BUT, the missing ELEMENT is “Know How”.  That’s the part that is very hard to come by without investing a great deal of time, effort, energy and “tuition paid to the markets” via trial-and-error.  It’s often said that one way or another, newer self-directed investors will pay a steep tuition to learn the markets.  And those, are the LUCKY ONES.  The reality is that there’s a lot of information and misinformation out there.  The Internet is littered with it.  Our goal at Active Options Investing is to be the difference maker for committed investors that seek legitimate, lasting success in the markets.  We believe that our slate of offerings will go a long way in helping investors succeed in reaching their goals.