Technical Analysis Course


This Technical Analysis Course is the combination of 30+ years of on floor and desk trading.  We have taught 1000's of traders how to use our unique blend of Technical Analysis via 1-on-1 coaching or in group webinars.  Most of our student have been taught on behalf of large, well-known trading-platform groups.  We finally decided to share our battle-tested, difference-making proprietary TA tricks of the trade in this Technical Analysis Course at a fraction of the cost.

We've put together 19 videos covering everything one would need to know to show how, why and when to use our methods properly to make informed decisions on entering, exiting, riding, extending, evaluating etc..  This is not just some "intro course" or an "Encyclopedia of Basic TA", this is the actual "nuts and bolts" of how we find, evaluate, trade and manage our positions using these technical analysis techniques and indicators. 

The BOTTOM LINE is this:

No amount of Options knowledge or strategy application will consistently make money for an investor without reliably accurate forecasts and projections. 

That's why we strongly believe that this Technical Analysis Course is the MOST VALUABLE content that we can offer to active investors looking for difference making knowledge.



Technical Analysis Course> Finding, Analyzing, Managing Trades

Coverage: 19 Topics + Examples : 5 Hours Cumulatively

Highlights of Coverage:

  1. Iterative Charting: Forecast then revise.  The key to staying nimble.
  2. Markets Hierarchy: How and Why this helps dial-in to what's working in the markets.
  3. Price Structure: The basis for analysis of all kinds.  We define price structure then show how to use it.
  4. Common Price Patterns:  Timing and profit projections.  A great resource for options-based trading as well.
  5. Simple Moving Averages : Observation of key (professionally-oriented) moving averages on key time frames.
  6. Bollinger Bands: John Bollinger's “volatility bands” that use statistics to provide meaningful information.
  7. Trendlines: Quite possibly the most important tool in a Chartist's toolbox.
  8. MACD : It's most definitely one of our top indicators that's extremely versatile.
  9. RSI: Another versatile indicator that we use as a companion to the MACD.  (see all of the nuances).
  10. Entry Signal: Our ideal entry signal for both bullish and bearish trades.  You'll know the specifics on when we “get in”.
  11. Exiting: By far the most difficult part of trade management.  We share our best approaches to enhance profits.
  12. Projection Methods: Critical in so many ways.  We explain all methods we utilize and in ways beyond the obvious.
  13. Stop Losses: Creative ways of using them along with creative ways to not use them!
  14. Comparison Charting: Some chartists never utilize this to their advantage.  That's to our advantage!
  15. Confluence and Composite Charting: We'll show you why it's better to think in more than ONE dimension!
  16. Clearance: Room to run!
  17. Charting and Counting Time:  Why you need to pay attention to the "dark matter."
  18. Seasonality: Cyclicality
  19. Sentiment: CNN Fear/Greed, McClellan Summation, % of Stocks Above..., Investor Surveys, Vix Level, Put/Call


Putting it All Together:

An extremely detailed case study that will highlight much of what we've learned and demonstrate why it pays to know your stuff!


What some of our students are saying:

It has been my pleasure to have had Wayne Razzi as my mentor in the mentoring program at Option Monster, Inc. As a former floor trader on the PHLX, he is well-versed in the operation and complexities of the stock market and of the various multi-faceted option trading techniques. Through our weekly mentoring sessions Wayne has provided me with an excellent foundation which will help me broaden my ability and opportunity to profit in the option market. Wayne wants his clients to be successful will go the extra mile to assist them in their goals.

Tom Griffin

Although we have worked with Wayne for only several months I want to make a statement regarding his fine service and caring mentoring. He is the perfect person for our needs.

We found out on our first call that we had similar values and backgrounds. That is important to me. We soon learned that Wayne has all the attributes we value. Experience. Character. Intelligence. Integrity. As we do he lives by the Golden Rule. Something not always seen in today's world, whether investing or politics or dealing with people in general.

When we first signed on we were led by others to believe some unrealistic expectations. I liked the fact that Wayne is conservative and realistic and very soon identified how he could best help us with both our education as well as trading. His idea of "singles and doubles" rather than getting aggressive and going for home runs fit with our conservative mentality. He continues to be very sensitive to our needs and continually asks "how can I help" and means it. That is the key. He really wants to help in any way he can. Sincere and forthright in every way. 

Both my wife and I come from backgrounds in banking and investments, however we had little to none experience with options. Between the OptionmonsterEd program and particularly Wayne's help we are now filling that void in our experiences. We feel we are very fortunate to have had Wayne by our side guiding us with care and consideration, taking the time to really be sensitive to our needs.

His technical chart reading is particularly valuable, especially to my wife. Through my many years in the investment world I have been good at fundamentals and finding ideas, however sorely lacking in technicals. Wayne is a CMT and experienced floor trader and has been very good at helping us identify and interpret macro trends as well as specific stock charts.

I learned a long time ago that when you find someone you trust, whatever their role in your life, stick with them and follow their advice. It has served me well. Whatever he does or wherever Wayne goes I want to keep him a part of my group of trusted advisors. Thoroughly trusted friends and advisors are a rare commodity.

Robert Kern


I have been investing for 45 years, buying my first stocks and options at the age of 16. My business was in banking and insurance. Additionally I was a fully licensed series 7 stock broker and a Certified Financial Planner. Wayne was my coach for a yearlong option education program that started in February 2016.

Wayne knows numbers and the options business like no one else. Equally important Wayne can explain what and why in very simple terms. He is patient and thorough in explaining what can be very complex methods! Many times we ran over our allotted time in order to be sure I understood what we were going over.

Great guy and can make a sometimes dry confusing subject come to life in the simplest of ways.

Wayne gets my highest recommendation for anyone wanting to know more about options from the beginning option trader to the lifelong option enthusiast!

William H Hanford

Just want to pen a note of gratitude for what you are teaching us about Technical Analysis in conjunction with using options to trade the equity markets.  Your dedication to helping all of us in this endeavor is obvious and very appreciated.

It is apparent that you have an extensive understanding of this material and a talent for conveying it to our class.  Also apparent is your sincere desire to help us learn and understand Technical Analysis and be able to apply it successfully and profitably to our own trading.

Without reservation, I would recommend you to be a reliable, dedicated team member or adviser in any endeavor related to the markets and profitable analysis of them.  You have certainly helped me increase the value of my accounts.

Rick Spaid

When the change in instructor took place towards the end of 2016 I confess that I was somewhat concerned as I certainly did not feel that my 9 months on the course had qualified me to fly options with the big boys and I worried that your more application-oriented approach might go over the head of someone who had not yet mastered the theory of such a complex subject.

In fact it became clear that - as in other walks of life - the real world differs in many ways from the "trainer wheels" approach of the introductory lessons and the sooner we get to grips with this painful truth, the better. I learned a great deal from your comprehensive answer to my question on how to deal with the situation of the underlying asset moving rapidly against one; if that had been covered in the standard webinar I might not have had to be reminded so expensively that few plans survive first contact with the enemy!

I would also add that I agree with the comments uttered during your webinars by several of my fellow students, that it is all very well knowing the ins and outs of options theory but without a good understanding of how - and when! -  to select the underlying asset one is simply gambling. I admit that I sometimes become despondent when I am reminded how very much I still have to learn, but better that than the blissfulness of ignorance. Thank you for recognizing this ground swell of yearning and responding by placing much-needed emphasis on this crucial under-pinning of the science of options.

Peter Brunt

While still trying to master the complexities of options as a tool, the realization was dawning that something critical to successful, profitable application was missing.  The most basic missing component was accurate directional analysis, the 'Holy Grail' of all investing, which is another complex subject in itself apart from the tool of options.  Having never been an investor until relatively recently, my knowledge of 'stock picking' was completely and woefully inadequate.

No doubt we all had a sense of concern with the 'changing of the guard', especially with the radical change in focus.  It has turned out to be, without reservation, exactly where we needed to go to progress toward confident profitability in the application of the tools we now have at our disposal.  Since human emotions have not changed (only the tools and technology have) in some 15,000 years of known human civilization, pricing patterns are not random, but predictable from past patterns as can be identified through technical analysis, both modern 'Western' styles and, in my humble opinion, older 'Eastern' styles like candlestick pattern analysis, especially when there is a confluence of those styles.  Prices are NOT based on fundamental value, they are based on the crowd's PERCEPTION of value.  Sadly, that perception is mixed with emotional decision making, which has not changed in the human experience.  We can use that lack of change to our advantage in this world of apparent great and fast paced changes.  Profiting boils down to correct directional analysis of the underlying instrument.  Get the direction right most of the time (Tweet Risk happens!) and the rest is a 'walk in the park' by comparison.

My motto going forward:

It's all about DIRECTION.

Rick Spaid

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