Reality vs. Propaganda

Hi All,

I guess the seal is broken.  I can’t leave the JOBS number etc. alone.  Even prior to starting as a market-maker on the PHLX options floor in 1992, I took exception to propaganda and deception.  It’s only ratcheted up since then!  Over the years CNBC has been an egregious offender, well, at least for as long as I can remember.  This has always bothered me because it’s clear that millions of “moms and pops” rely on them and the rest of the truth-challenged financial media to make important decisions regarding trivial things such as their life savings and investments.  With that in mind, take a look at these two bits of information and judge for yourself what is closer to reality and what’s closer to unadulterated financial propaganda.


US Manufacturing Renaissance? Sounds Great!

About that Renaissance…






